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Local Businesses In Order Of Distance

Top star cleaning
Bond cleaning, new build cleaning and window cleaning
Feroza's Kitchen
Beautiful home made cooking specilaising in South African Cuisine. Ideal for the busy family or events. Pick up Gold Coast.
Paradise Dent Removals
Locally owned and operated. Your Paintless Dent Removal Ballina specialist. The PDR (paintless dent removal) system of repair has it origins dating back more than 80 years, when car makers such as Porsche, Ferrari and Bentley devised this form of
PT Doors
PT Doors is an Australian owned and operated company with over 15 years experience in the garage door industry. We offer installation, maintenance, servicing and repairs on all domestic, commercial and industrial garage doors. We service the Sydne
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ANG Cleaning
Resort Cleaning Domestic Cleaning Commercial Cleaning Residential Cleaning Bond Cleaning Spring cleaning Oven cleaning Happy to accept cash Need a helping hand? Here at ANG Cleaning we are happy to help make your home/office etc. sque
Greg Corcoran Pty Ltd
In a world where the value of someone's worth is often based on their material gain, Greg's core focus in Real Estate, is on the rapport and energy that is built between himself and his clients, coupled with a methodical approach to process.
Emerson Constructions
Emerson Constructions brings to the table 24 years of brick and block laying experience in the building industry, with a focus on residential and commercial projects. Our specialist services include: * Fences * Retaining Walls * Structured La
Campbell Real Estate
Campbell Real estate is Located in Innisfail at 64 Edith Street. We provide a full range of real estate services. We currently service from Babinda to Tully.
Smoothaz interior linings
SMOOTHAZ Interior Linings is a family owned business that cover all aspects of plastering
Brothers Equine 7
Online equine performance apparel. Providing affordable gear for horse riders across Australia

A Directory Just for Australian Businesses

Australian Business Owners are doing it tough facing a declining economy and rising costs, and unfortunately, it’s likely to get worse before it gets better.

There’s a growing number of consumers who are aware of the benefit to our great country in purchasing or engaging independently owned family businesses and buying Australian-Made Products wherever possible.

The Problem Finding Small Businesses

In the digital world, everything is structured to benefit big businesses like corporate chains, multinationals, and franchises via a “Premium Based” business model that every platform adopts, meaning the more your business pays, the more exposure you get.

This makes it hard for small businesses to compete for exposure.

Despite 97% of businesses being independently owned, you the consumer are most often being directed to the other 3% which are large corporates and franchises that can pay more to digital marketers and to the various digital platforms often by bidding for top positions or costly marketing strategies.

The Solution

Small Business Directory provides a dedicated space for all business owners who operate Micro Businesses, Small & Medium size Independent Businesses on a lightning-fast, user-friendly directory.

  • No Franchises, Corporates or Multinationals, just 100% Aussie Owned Businesses.
  • A flat rate advertising fee, every business pays the same and gets the same exposure.
  • We display businesses in order of closest first, not the business’s marketing budget.

This provides you, the customer exactly what you want with no filtering.

We Need Your Support

There are challenges ahead to change people’s habits, search engines are great to find out about small breeds of Kangaroo, but not so great for finding small businesses.

Small businesses are very experienced at what they do and have great customer service because you are most likely dealing with the owner of the business or a key staff member, not a call centre.

Small Business Directory is also a family-owned and operated business with a passion to create a community of Aussie Business Owners who Advertise and wherever possible, Trade within our platform before going elsewhere for a haircut, a motel room or any business trade, service or product you can think of.

If You are a Consumer, please tell a Friend.

If you Operate a Business, Please Advertise and Tell a Friend.

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